Ir. Dr. Yuk Ming Tang Presents at HKIE Technical Seminar

Ir. Dr. Tang presenting on the DSD project at the seminar.
Ir. Dr. Tang presenting on the DSD project at the seminar.
Ir. Dr. Tang presenting on the DSD project at the seminar.
Ir. Dr. Tang presenting on the DSD project at the seminar.

Our Principal Investigator, Ir. Dr. Yuk Ming Tang, was invited to speak at a technical seminar hosted by The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE). The seminar took place on November 16, 2023, at the EngHub, Room 309, HK NEO, 123 Hoi Bun Road, Kwun Tong.

Dr. Tang, a respected figure in the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, discussed the team’s ongoing project, “Intelligent Non-invasive Structural Health Inspection System for Multi-part Covers.” The research aims to develop a non-invasive and AI-based method for inspecting multi-part covers installed on large drains, chambers, and box culverts across main roads in Hong Kong.

Traditional inspection methods can be disruptive and costly, especially when these covers are located on main traffic routes. The project seeks to address this issue by using AI technologies to detect signals from problematic multi-part covers amidst environmental and traffic noises, potentially reducing traffic disruptions and inspection costs.

Dr. Tang has a strong interest in a range of research areas, including Artificial Intelligence (AI), Virtual Reality (VR), Internet of Things, Digital Twin, blockchain, sustainable technology in Industry 4.0, and healthcare applications. Over the past three years, he has contributed to over 80 journal articles, co-authored 10 book chapters, edited 4 books, and has been granted 2 patents.

The seminar was conducted in Cantonese and was well-received by the audience. We are grateful for this opportunity for Dr. Tang to share our team’s research and will continue to work diligently on our project.

Ir. Dr. YM Tang and Our Research Team to Presented at DSD R&D Forum 2023

Ir. Dr. Tang presenting on the project at the DSD R&D Forum 2023
Ir. Dr. Tang presenting on the project at the DSD R&D Forum 2023
Ir. Dr. Tang presenting on the project at the DSD R&D Forum 2023
Ir. Dr. Tang as the speaker in DSD R&D Forum 2023
Ir. Prof. Yung, Associate Head and Chair Professor (ISE), as the speaker in DSD R&D Forum 2023

We are delighted to report that our research team, spearheaded by Principal Investigator Ir. Dr. Yuk Ming Tang, had an impactful presence at the DSD Research & Development Forum 2023. Organised by the Drainage Services Department (DSD), the event took place on November 14, 2023, at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre.

Dr. Tang shared insightful findings on the topic “Intelligent Non-invasive Structural Health Inspection System for Multi-part Covers.” This presentation perfectly aligned with the forum’s theme, “Thinking Outside the Pipes: Exploring Alternative Approaches to Stormwater and Wastewater Management.”

The forum presentation revolved around a critical issue in Hong Kong: the costly and disruptive process of inspecting multi-part covers installed on large drains, chambers, and box culverts across main roads. Conventional inspection methods, including the use of robots, face limitations due to the variable configurations and distances of piping/channels from entry ports.

The project proposed a non-invasive inspection method that leverages state-of-the-art AI technologies to identify acoustic emissions from problematic multi-part covers against environmental and traffic noises. The result is a cost-effective, low-disruption solution for inspecting structures beneath multi-part covers, reducing the impact on traffic flow.

(From the left) Dr. Noman, Dr. Zhong, Dr. Chen, Ir. Dr. Tang, Mr. Lam, Mr. Tang
(From the left) Dr. Zhong, Ir. Dr. Tang, Dr. Chen, Dr. Noman

In addition to Ir. Dr. Tang, the team’s postdoctoral researchers, Dr. Junping ZHONG, Dr. Lerui CHEN, and Dr. Abdullah Al Noman, other project researchers, Mr. Sam Lam, Mr. Kelvin Tang, Ruby CHAN, also presented at the forum. They made significant contributions to the project and played integral parts in its success.

We are thrilled to have shared this innovative research at the DSD R&D Forum 2023 and look forward to providing more updates on our progress and reflections on our team’s contributions.




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