Vcare – Participated in The Asia Summit on Global Health 2024

Co-Founders of Vcare: Ir. Dr. YM Tang (left), Ms. Celia Chan (right)
Exhibiting Vcare vision training VR project
Ir. Dr. YM Tang (left), Prof. Christopher Chao (2nd left)
PolyU Venture team photo in the exhibition

We’re excited to share that Vcare has participated in the Asia Summit on Global Health, which took place on May 16-17 at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre!

What an amazing experience it was for them to be part of this premier event, the hotspot for health innovation and investment in Asia! They had the privilege of showcasing their cutting-edge healthcare solutions to a diverse audience of industry leaders, investors, and decision-makers from across the globe.

The two days were packed with insightful discussions, groundbreaking innovations, and incredible networking opportunities. Their team was buzzing with excitement as they connected with fellow healthcare enthusiasts, shared ideas, and explored potential collaborations that could shape the future of global health.

They are still riding the wave of inspiration from ASGH 2024 – where great minds met to create a healthier tomorrow! Stay tuned for updates on the exciting developments that emerged from this fantastic summit.

VCare – Participated in the 49th International Exhibition of Inventions Geneva and Awarded Geneva Gold award Gold Medal

Co-founders - Ms. Celia Chan (left), Ir. Dr. YM Tang (right)

Co-founders – Ms. Celia Chan (left), Ir. Dr. YM Tang (right)

Co-founders – Ir. Dr. YM Tang (left), Ms. Celia Chan (right)

Ir. Dr. YM Tang introducing the vision training VR device, Vcare, during the exhibition

Ir. Dr. YM Tang introducing the vision training VR device, Vcare, during the exhibition

Vcare has been awarded the gold medal at the International Exhibition of Inventions Geneva

Vcare Vision Technology Limited is found by our principle investigator of RIVRT, Ir. Dr. Yuk-ming TANG.

Vcare offers personalised vision correction training for myopia, amblyopia, and strabismus. It combines hardware and software to provide engaging VR games and exercises for active participation. Unlike traditional methods, our non-invasive solution minimises side effects and complications. Vcare’s standout feature is its patented multi-folded lens module with a vari-focal mechanism in the VR headset. This innovative technology allows users to automatically adjust the focal length during their VR experience, providing optimal visual clarity without the need for manual adjustments or glasses for different distances. This design enhances flexibility and convenience, enabling users to freely navigate and interact within the VR environment while enjoying a clear visual experience. We also prioritise rigorous research and clinical trials to ensure effectiveness and safety. We collaborate with eye care professionals to provide a safe, convenient, and enjoyable alternative for vision correction training.

Vcare has recently participated in the prestigious 49th International Exhibition of Inventions Geneva, and we couldn’t be more proud of their accomplishments.

We are absolutely delighted to announce that the project has been recognized with the esteemed Gold Medal! 🏅 This award is a testament to the hard work our team has put into creating something truly special.

Vcare remains steadfast in their mission to revolutionize the healthcare industry through innovation and client-centricity. This recognition not only validates our vision and passion but also fuels our determination to push boundaries and drive technological advancements in healthcare.

Exhibition – Learning & Teaching Expo


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