PolyU Undergraduate Info Day 2022

On 8 October 2022, the PolyU Undergraduate Info Day 2022 (Info Day) was successfully held that a broad range of face-to-face/online activities were provided first-hand information on undergraduate studies to the participants. As the first local tertiary institute holding face-to-face event this year, about 26,000 participants participated the event.

RIVRT is appreciative of the opportunity to share our most recent technology advancements with young adults. We hope they will eventually enroll at PolyU in the future.

Exhibition – Learning & Teaching Expo


一連三天的「學與教博覽2019」吸引了13,435名來自世界各地的教育界人士人場參觀,與此同時,以團體名義登記參觀博竟的學校及教職員亦比以往顯著增加,「 學與教博覽2019」匯聚了超過300名來自世界各地的資深教育工作者,教育學者,政府官員和學校領導人,主持超過250場主題演講,研討會,工作坊,課堂示範及學校參觀等,涵善多元教育議題,包括; 創新教育科技的應用,21世紀教學茶路及教學法,身心靈健康與品格教育,STEM及創客教育,幼兒教育,融合教司等,為來白亞洲友各地的訪客提供最新的教育發展資訊。


2019 VR AR product and Application Exhibition in Namcheong (2019VR/AR产品和应用展览会举行)

“不讓世界更精彩一一VR+56開啟感知新時代”。 10月19日,2019世界VR產業大會在江西南昌開幕。 2019 VR/AR產品和應用展覽會、中國國際通信電子產業博覽會同時舉行,展覽展示 VR/AR 產品和應用、通信電子兩大成果,AR/VR、5G等領域的最新技術、產品紛紛亮相,讓大家窺見智慧末來的模樣。
(全媒體記者 魏勇劍 攝)
來源:南昌新聞網 袁任編捐:魏勇劍

2019 Hospital Authority Convention

When Simulation Embraces Virtual Reality (VR): Examples of Using VR in Medical Simulation Training

Abstract Summary

At the beginning of the presentation, we will discuss the current virtual reality (VR) technology in clinical and biomedical applications. We will demonstrate an example of using VR in medical simulation for type and screen training, which determines both the ABO-Rh of the patient and screens for the presence of the most commonly found unexpected antibodies. It involves a simple draw and a laboratory test of a blood sample. There is a series of steps involving type and screen procedures. However, some medical staff members may overlook certain steps or conduct some steps unsuccessfully, as many of these staff are overloaded and work under high pressure. Therefore, we have developed an integrative solution to provide blood-taking training for medical staff members in a hospital by using the latest VR technology. In the VR training program, medical staff members can navigate and interact without distractions in a safe and calm environment, which is difficult to find in the real world. The VR training program not only provides opportunities for additional medical staff members to practice repeatedly, but also eliminates training time and costs compared with traditional training methods. The project outcome is expected to provide an interesting and effective training to thousands of medical staff members who require training in type and screen in Hong Kong. After the demonstration, we will also introduce the latest developments in mixed reality (MR) and the future development of extended reality (xR). We will explore how the development of artificial intelligence (AI) technology can be integrated with VR in order to extend its application in the biomedical and clinical areas.

2019 HA Convention