VCare – Participated in the 49th International Exhibition of Inventions Geneva and Awarded Geneva Gold award Gold Medal

Co-founders - Ms. Celia Chan (left), Ir. Dr. YM Tang (right)

Co-founders – Ms. Celia Chan (left), Ir. Dr. YM Tang (right)

Co-founders – Ir. Dr. YM Tang (left), Ms. Celia Chan (right)

Ir. Dr. YM Tang introducing the vision training VR device, Vcare, during the exhibition

Ir. Dr. YM Tang introducing the vision training VR device, Vcare, during the exhibition

Vcare has been awarded the gold medal at the International Exhibition of Inventions Geneva

Vcare Vision Technology Limited is found by our principle investigator of RIVRT, Ir. Dr. Yuk-ming TANG.

Vcare offers personalised vision correction training for myopia, amblyopia, and strabismus. It combines hardware and software to provide engaging VR games and exercises for active participation. Unlike traditional methods, our non-invasive solution minimises side effects and complications. Vcare’s standout feature is its patented multi-folded lens module with a vari-focal mechanism in the VR headset. This innovative technology allows users to automatically adjust the focal length during their VR experience, providing optimal visual clarity without the need for manual adjustments or glasses for different distances. This design enhances flexibility and convenience, enabling users to freely navigate and interact within the VR environment while enjoying a clear visual experience. We also prioritise rigorous research and clinical trials to ensure effectiveness and safety. We collaborate with eye care professionals to provide a safe, convenient, and enjoyable alternative for vision correction training.

Vcare has recently participated in the prestigious 49th International Exhibition of Inventions Geneva, and we couldn’t be more proud of their accomplishments.

We are absolutely delighted to announce that the project has been recognized with the esteemed Gold Medal! 🏅 This award is a testament to the hard work our team has put into creating something truly special.

Vcare remains steadfast in their mission to revolutionize the healthcare industry through innovation and client-centricity. This recognition not only validates our vision and passion but also fuels our determination to push boundaries and drive technological advancements in healthcare.

Ir. Dr. Yuk Ming Tang Presents at HKIE Technical Seminar

Ir. Dr. Tang presenting on the DSD project at the seminar.
Ir. Dr. Tang presenting on the DSD project at the seminar.
Ir. Dr. Tang presenting on the DSD project at the seminar.
Ir. Dr. Tang presenting on the DSD project at the seminar.

Our Principal Investigator, Ir. Dr. Yuk Ming Tang, was invited to speak at a technical seminar hosted by The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE). The seminar took place on November 16, 2023, at the EngHub, Room 309, HK NEO, 123 Hoi Bun Road, Kwun Tong.

Dr. Tang, a respected figure in the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, discussed the team’s ongoing project, “Intelligent Non-invasive Structural Health Inspection System for Multi-part Covers.” The research aims to develop a non-invasive and AI-based method for inspecting multi-part covers installed on large drains, chambers, and box culverts across main roads in Hong Kong.

Traditional inspection methods can be disruptive and costly, especially when these covers are located on main traffic routes. The project seeks to address this issue by using AI technologies to detect signals from problematic multi-part covers amidst environmental and traffic noises, potentially reducing traffic disruptions and inspection costs.

Dr. Tang has a strong interest in a range of research areas, including Artificial Intelligence (AI), Virtual Reality (VR), Internet of Things, Digital Twin, blockchain, sustainable technology in Industry 4.0, and healthcare applications. Over the past three years, he has contributed to over 80 journal articles, co-authored 10 book chapters, edited 4 books, and has been granted 2 patents.

The seminar was conducted in Cantonese and was well-received by the audience. We are grateful for this opportunity for Dr. Tang to share our team’s research and will continue to work diligently on our project.

Business Meets Engineering: Visit from the Business Students of City University of Macau

Dr. Chau (Director of Asia Pacific Business Research Center and Professor, Faculty of Business, The City University of Macau), Ir. Dr. Tang (Principle Investigator of RIVRT), and visiting students

Dr. Gavin Chau, a distinguished professor from the Faculty of Business at The City University of Macau, led his students on an exhilarating and educational journey to the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering (ISE) at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) on 16th November, 2023. This excursion offered them a unique opportunity to delve into the realm of advanced engineering and technology, making it not only enjoyable but also highly enlightening.

The visit was led by Ir. Dr. Tang and his dedicated team, who took the students on a tour around various key labs under ISE’s aegis. These included the Digital Factory, Integrated Product Design Lab, and the State Key Laboratory of Ultra-precision Machining Technology. They also visited the Laboratory of Artificial Intelligence in Design (AiDLab) located in the Hong Kong Science and Technology Park (HKSTP) in the afternoon.

Ir. Dr. Tang gives a warm welcome speech to the visitors
Visiting the newly opened University Square at PolyU
Visiting the IPD Lab
Playing around with Metaversity
Playing around with Metaversity

The day kicked off with a visit to the Digital Factory, where the students delved into immersive CAVE and VR research applications. This eye-opening encounter offered them the opportunity to understand how virtual reality technologies are reshaping modern manufacturing processes. Next on the agenda was the Integrated Product Design Lab. Here, the students had the opportunity to interact with the Metaversity project, gaining a unique insight into metaverse applications and their potential to transform traditional product design spaces. Following this, the students were introduced to the world of ultra-precision at the State Key Laboratory of Ultra-precision Machining Technology. They were exposed to the ongoing research in ultra-precision machining technologies and precision surface metrology, as well as the fabrication and measurement of advanced optics and critical precision components.

Visiting AiDLab in HKSTP, leading by Dr. Mohammed
Welcome speech from the AiDLab
Research insights shared by Dr. Mohammed
Background introduction about AiDLab

In the afternoon, the students continued their exploration at the Hong Kong Science and Technology Park (HKSTP), visiting the Laboratory for Artificial Intelligence in Design (AiDLab). The AiDLab is the first research platform of its kind, focusing on merging artificial intelligence with design. It was established through a collaborative effort by PolyU and the Royal College of Art (RCA) in the UK, and is funded by the HKSAR Government under the InnoHK Research Clusters.Located at the Hong Kong Science Park, AiDLab is pioneering a new creative AI cluster in design and is internationally recognized for its interdisciplinary research that drives innovation and sustainability, impacting both industry and society.

The students concluded their day expressing gratitude for the insightful visit, returning to Macau with expanded knowledge and a deeper appreciation for the advancements in engineering and technology. The visit to PolyU’s ISE department and the HKSTP was not only a joyful experience but also a significant step in their academic journey.

Ir. Dr. YM Tang and Our Research Team to Presented at DSD R&D Forum 2023

Ir. Dr. Tang presenting on the project at the DSD R&D Forum 2023
Ir. Dr. Tang presenting on the project at the DSD R&D Forum 2023
Ir. Dr. Tang presenting on the project at the DSD R&D Forum 2023
Ir. Dr. Tang as the speaker in DSD R&D Forum 2023
Ir. Prof. Yung, Associate Head and Chair Professor (ISE), as the speaker in DSD R&D Forum 2023

We are delighted to report that our research team, spearheaded by Principal Investigator Ir. Dr. Yuk Ming Tang, had an impactful presence at the DSD Research & Development Forum 2023. Organised by the Drainage Services Department (DSD), the event took place on November 14, 2023, at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre.

Dr. Tang shared insightful findings on the topic “Intelligent Non-invasive Structural Health Inspection System for Multi-part Covers.” This presentation perfectly aligned with the forum’s theme, “Thinking Outside the Pipes: Exploring Alternative Approaches to Stormwater and Wastewater Management.”

The forum presentation revolved around a critical issue in Hong Kong: the costly and disruptive process of inspecting multi-part covers installed on large drains, chambers, and box culverts across main roads. Conventional inspection methods, including the use of robots, face limitations due to the variable configurations and distances of piping/channels from entry ports.

The project proposed a non-invasive inspection method that leverages state-of-the-art AI technologies to identify acoustic emissions from problematic multi-part covers against environmental and traffic noises. The result is a cost-effective, low-disruption solution for inspecting structures beneath multi-part covers, reducing the impact on traffic flow.

(From the left) Dr. Noman, Dr. Zhong, Dr. Chen, Ir. Dr. Tang, Mr. Lam, Mr. Tang
(From the left) Dr. Zhong, Ir. Dr. Tang, Dr. Chen, Dr. Noman

In addition to Ir. Dr. Tang, the team’s postdoctoral researchers, Dr. Junping ZHONG, Dr. Lerui CHEN, and Dr. Abdullah Al Noman, other project researchers, Mr. Sam Lam, Mr. Kelvin Tang, Ruby CHAN, also presented at the forum. They made significant contributions to the project and played integral parts in its success.

We are thrilled to have shared this innovative research at the DSD R&D Forum 2023 and look forward to providing more updates on our progress and reflections on our team’s contributions.

Dr. Tang invited to exhibit latest research on VR-based myopia therapy at TechConnect World Innovation Conference & Expo

We are pleased to announce that our esteemed Principle Investigator, Dr. YM Tang, exhibited our latest research at the TechConnect World Innovation Conference & Expo. The event was held from 19-21 June, 2023 at Washington, DC, and was renowned for connecting top applied research and early-stage innovations from universities, labs, and startups with industry end-users and prospectors.

The conference comprised several programs, including the annual SBIR/STTR Innovation Conference, AI TechConnect, the TechConnect Technical Program, and the Nanotech Conference Series. The exhibition was the largest and longest-running nanotechnology event in the world, offering a platform for researchers and innovators to showcase their latest findings to a global audience.

Dr. Tang’s exhibit focused on our latest research project, titled “Accommodation Myopia Therapy Training Using Virtual Reality (VR) Head Mounted Device for Adolescents and Children.” The project, which had garnered significant attention in the scientific community, aimed at developing a novel VR-based training program for the treatment of myopia in children and adolescents.

The innovative therapy leveraged the immersive capabilities of VR technology to simulate real-world scenarios that require the eyes to focus and work in tandem, thus helping to improve visual acuity and reduce the onset of myopia. The program had shown great promise in early-stage trials, and Dr. Tang was excited to share our latest findings with the wider scientific community at the TechConnect World Innovation Conference & Expo.

Over the years, TechConnect had published over 10,000 technical papers, connected over 20,000 innovations with industry partners, provided prospecting to most all Fortune 500 technology companies, and supported most every U.S. Science and Technology agency, including the National Nanotechnology Initiative since its inception. We were honored to have been part of this prestigious event and to have had the opportunity to exhibit our research to fellow innovators, industry leaders, and potential partners.

Workshop for the Research and Applications of virtual reality and Metaverse

Ir. Dr. YM Tang and his research team (RIVRT) hosted a workshop on March 9, 2023, for academic staff and doctorate students from the City University of Macau, focused on the research and applications of virtual reality and Metaverse.

The workshop featured a range of engaging presentations and interactive sessions designed to showcase the latest advances in virtual reality technology and explore the potential applications of the Metaverse in various fields.

Attendees had the opportunity to engage with experts in the field, including Ir. Dr. YM Tang, and gained valuable insights into the development and applications of virtual reality and Metaverse technologies.

Mixed Reality混合實境教師體驗日 探索應用科技教學

香港理工大學工業及系統工程系於12月12日邀請了聖母無玷聖心書院(Immaculate Heart of Mary College)約60名教職員參加混合實境教師體驗日,到訪綜合產品設計實驗室及伍達倫數碼實驗室參觀VR/AR等教學設備。


體驗內容包括沉浸式虛擬實境洞穴系統、頭戴式VR系統、Hololens AR裝置等,渴望透過科技提升學生的興趣。

教師體驗了訓練程序教學(Procedural Learning)及沉浸式學習(Immersive Learning)探索混合實境的教學應用。他們亦透過親身體驗製作全息影像(Hologram),思考對於3D圖像學習的教學應用。教師體驗了訓練程序教學(Procedural Learning)及沉浸式學習(Immersive Learning)探索混合實境的教學應用。他們亦透過親身體驗製作全息影像(Hologram),思考對於3D圖像學習的教學應用。


PolyU Undergraduate Info Day 2022

On 8 October 2022, the PolyU Undergraduate Info Day 2022 (Info Day) was successfully held that a broad range of face-to-face/online activities were provided first-hand information on undergraduate studies to the participants. As the first local tertiary institute holding face-to-face event this year, about 26,000 participants participated the event.

RIVRT is appreciative of the opportunity to share our most recent technology advancements with young adults. We hope they will eventually enroll at PolyU in the future.

Exhibition – Learning & Teaching Expo


一連三天的「學與教博覽2019」吸引了13,435名來自世界各地的教育界人士人場參觀,與此同時,以團體名義登記參觀博竟的學校及教職員亦比以往顯著增加,「 學與教博覽2019」匯聚了超過300名來自世界各地的資深教育工作者,教育學者,政府官員和學校領導人,主持超過250場主題演講,研討會,工作坊,課堂示範及學校參觀等,涵善多元教育議題,包括; 創新教育科技的應用,21世紀教學茶路及教學法,身心靈健康與品格教育,STEM及創客教育,幼兒教育,融合教司等,為來白亞洲友各地的訪客提供最新的教育發展資訊。
