Archives 2022

Mixed Reality混合實境教師體驗日 探索應用科技教學

香港理工大學工業及系統工程系於12月12日邀請了聖母無玷聖心書院(Immaculate Heart of Mary College)約60名教職員參加混合實境教師體驗日,到訪綜合產品設計實驗室及伍達倫數碼實驗室參觀VR/AR等教學設備。


體驗內容包括沉浸式虛擬實境洞穴系統、頭戴式VR系統、Hololens AR裝置等,渴望透過科技提升學生的興趣。

教師體驗了訓練程序教學(Procedural Learning)及沉浸式學習(Immersive Learning)探索混合實境的教學應用。他們亦透過親身體驗製作全息影像(Hologram),思考對於3D圖像學習的教學應用。教師體驗了訓練程序教學(Procedural Learning)及沉浸式學習(Immersive Learning)探索混合實境的教學應用。他們亦透過親身體驗製作全息影像(Hologram),思考對於3D圖像學習的教學應用。


PolyU Undergraduate Info Day 2022

On 8 October 2022, the PolyU Undergraduate Info Day 2022 (Info Day) was successfully held that a broad range of face-to-face/online activities were provided first-hand information on undergraduate studies to the participants. As the first local tertiary institute holding face-to-face event this year, about 26,000 participants participated the event.

RIVRT is appreciative of the opportunity to share our most recent technology advancements with young adults. We hope they will eventually enroll at PolyU in the future.