Vcare – Meeting with the Hong Kong Electronics Industry Association (HKEIA)

Co-Founders of Vcare: Ms. Celia Chan (left), Ir. Dr. YM Tang (right)
Group photo with HKEIA and PolyU KTEO

In a notable event organized by the Knowledge Transfer and Entrepreneurship Office at PolyU, representatives were honored to join a prestigious meeting with the Hong Kong Electronics Industry Association (HKEIA). This gathering provided a valuable platform for engaging in knowledge exchanges and exploring promising prospects for industry-academia collaboration.

The meeting, presided over by the esteemed President Dr. So Yuk-kwan, saw over 20 distinguished members convening at PolyU. Attendees had the opportunity to collectively share and discuss the latest cutting-edge research findings and insightful market trends. Among the highlights was the showcasing of recent research achievements and the remarkable commercialization journeys of the innovative Vcare VR Headset technology.

This collaborative event was deemed a resounding success, with participants expressing gratitude for the opportunity to contribute to industry advancement. The organizers and attendees alike look forward to continued fruitful partnerships and groundbreaking innovations in the near future.