Provision of a Virtual Reality (VR) Training Programme for Blood Culture Procedures
Blood Collection Procedure – Ward

Needlestick injury (NSI) is reported to be one of the most common hazards for medical staff and healthcare workers in Hong Kong and around the world. The most effective way to protect medical practitioners is to prevent injuries. Notwithstanding, NSI accidents are difficult to simulate through traditional training.
The project develops a VR training program for medical behavior, type and screen (T&S), and blood culture procedures. The simulation employs VR technology and a hand gesture recognition sensor to provide an immersive experience for the participants. To increase the user experience and simulation realism, participants may grab and drop virtual objects with their hands. Participants may get more familiar with the technique by following standard T&S and blood culture procedures. While cautions about the actions necessary for handling needles will be shown on a virtual dashboard, participants may focus on activities involving needle handling during T&S and blood culture.

Figure 1 shows the viewport of virtual reality simulation as a participant. The participant will perform T&S and blood culture in a ward setting. Participant is required to perform T&S and blood culture to the virtual patient. Nurses can be trained to take blood in wards. They can be trained to take blood with caution to the needle so as to reduce NSI.
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