Visit from Garze Sichuan Bureau – Exploring Advanced Immersive Technologies

RIVRT was honored to welcome a delegation from the Garze Sichuan Bureau for a comprehensive tour of our cutting-edge laboratories at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU). The visit, aimed at fostering collaboration and sharing knowledge, provided the delegation with an in-depth look at the innovative research and technologies being developed within the Faculty of Engineering.

The delegation was introduced to various state-of-the-art facilities, where they observed firsthand the application of advanced technologies such as virtual reality (VR), simulation systems, and artificial intelligence (AI) in engineering and industrial contexts.

Driving Simulator

One of the highlights of the visit was the demonstration of the immersive driving simulator, a sophisticated tool used for research in transportation safety and driver behavior analysis. The delegation members had the opportunity to experience the simulator themselves, gaining insights into how VR can be utilized to create realistic training environments and improve safety protocols.

The visit also included a detailed presentation on the current research projects underway at RIVRT, focusing on the integration of virtual manufacturing and AI in industry 4.0 applications. The delegation engaged in discussions with faculty members and researchers, exploring potential areas of collaboration between PolyU and the Garze Sichuan Bureau.


In another session, the delegation members explored the VR-based training modules developed for medical and industrial applications. These modules are designed to enhance skill development and training efficiency, providing a safe and controlled environment for learners to practice complex tasks.

The visit by the Garze Sichuan Bureau marks a significant step in strengthening ties between PolyU and Sichuan, promoting cross-regional collaboration in the fields of engineering and technology. RIVRT is committed to furthering these partnerships and contributing to the global advancement of research and innovation.

For more information on our research projects and collaborative opportunities, please visit our website or contact us directly.

Vcare – Meeting with the Hong Kong Electronics Industry Association (HKEIA)

Co-Founders of Vcare: Ms. Celia Chan (left), Ir. Dr. YM Tang (right)
Group photo with HKEIA and PolyU KTEO

In a notable event organized by the Knowledge Transfer and Entrepreneurship Office at PolyU, representatives were honored to join a prestigious meeting with the Hong Kong Electronics Industry Association (HKEIA). This gathering provided a valuable platform for engaging in knowledge exchanges and exploring promising prospects for industry-academia collaboration.

The meeting, presided over by the esteemed President Dr. So Yuk-kwan, saw over 20 distinguished members convening at PolyU. Attendees had the opportunity to collectively share and discuss the latest cutting-edge research findings and insightful market trends. Among the highlights was the showcasing of recent research achievements and the remarkable commercialization journeys of the innovative Vcare VR Headset technology.

This collaborative event was deemed a resounding success, with participants expressing gratitude for the opportunity to contribute to industry advancement. The organizers and attendees alike look forward to continued fruitful partnerships and groundbreaking innovations in the near future.

 Vcare – Participated in The Asia Summit on Global Health 2024

Co-Founders of Vcare: Ir. Dr. YM Tang (left), Ms. Celia Chan (right)
Exhibiting Vcare vision training VR project
Ir. Dr. YM Tang (left), Prof. Christopher Chao (2nd left)
PolyU Venture team photo in the exhibition

We’re excited to share that Vcare has participated in the Asia Summit on Global Health, which took place on May 16-17 at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre!

What an amazing experience it was for them to be part of this premier event, the hotspot for health innovation and investment in Asia! They had the privilege of showcasing their cutting-edge healthcare solutions to a diverse audience of industry leaders, investors, and decision-makers from across the globe.

The two days were packed with insightful discussions, groundbreaking innovations, and incredible networking opportunities. Their team was buzzing with excitement as they connected with fellow healthcare enthusiasts, shared ideas, and explored potential collaborations that could shape the future of global health.

They are still riding the wave of inspiration from ASGH 2024 – where great minds met to create a healthier tomorrow! Stay tuned for updates on the exciting developments that emerged from this fantastic summit.

Ir. Dr. Tang Shares Insights on VR Technology Applications in Medical Science on RTHK Radio Programme

In an enlightening session on the latest episode of “CIBS節目:創科醫學日誌” on RTHK’s Putonghua Channel AM621, esteemed Ir. Dr. Yuk Ming Tang took to the airwaves to discuss the revolutionary role of Virtual Reality (VR) in modern medicine.

The episode, titled “第十一集 VR技術的應用,” which aired on December 15 from 21:05 to 22:00 HKT, focused on the diverse applications of VR technology in enhancing medical procedures, rehabilitation processes, and potentially extending human lifespan.

During the broadcast, Ir. Dr. Tang shared his expertise on how VR has transcended the boundaries of entertainment and gaming, becoming a pivotal innovation in medical science. He elaborated on its impact, detailing how VR is being used to train medical professionals, simulate complex surgical procedures, and provide immersive rehabilitation experiences for patients.

Listeners of the programme were given an in-depth look at the intersection of technology and healthcare, exploring how robotics, artificial intelligence, apps, and VR are creating a new frontier in medical treatments and patient care.

The episode provided a platform for audiences to increase their understanding of medical technology and its benefits, equipping them with the necessary information to make informed decisions regarding their health needs.

For those who missed the live broadcast or wish to revisit the insightful discussion, the episode is available for online radio revision through the link here.

Related Link: Online Radio AM621 RTHK

Dr. Tang invited to exhibit latest research on VR-based myopia therapy at TechConnect World Innovation Conference & Expo

We are pleased to announce that our esteemed Principle Investigator, Dr. YM Tang, exhibited our latest research at the TechConnect World Innovation Conference & Expo. The event was held from 19-21 June, 2023 at Washington, DC, and was renowned for connecting top applied research and early-stage innovations from universities, labs, and startups with industry end-users and prospectors.

The conference comprised several programs, including the annual SBIR/STTR Innovation Conference, AI TechConnect, the TechConnect Technical Program, and the Nanotech Conference Series. The exhibition was the largest and longest-running nanotechnology event in the world, offering a platform for researchers and innovators to showcase their latest findings to a global audience.

Dr. Tang’s exhibit focused on our latest research project, titled “Accommodation Myopia Therapy Training Using Virtual Reality (VR) Head Mounted Device for Adolescents and Children.” The project, which had garnered significant attention in the scientific community, aimed at developing a novel VR-based training program for the treatment of myopia in children and adolescents.

The innovative therapy leveraged the immersive capabilities of VR technology to simulate real-world scenarios that require the eyes to focus and work in tandem, thus helping to improve visual acuity and reduce the onset of myopia. The program had shown great promise in early-stage trials, and Dr. Tang was excited to share our latest findings with the wider scientific community at the TechConnect World Innovation Conference & Expo.

Over the years, TechConnect had published over 10,000 technical papers, connected over 20,000 innovations with industry partners, provided prospecting to most all Fortune 500 technology companies, and supported most every U.S. Science and Technology agency, including the National Nanotechnology Initiative since its inception. We were honored to have been part of this prestigious event and to have had the opportunity to exhibit our research to fellow innovators, industry leaders, and potential partners.

VR技術助病人復康 兼訓練醫生



癌患體內殘餘輻射 用App檢測













