Jump@MingPao – Featuring PolyU’s Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering

We are excited to share that Jump@MingPao has featured The Hong Kong Polytechnic University’s Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering (ISE) in their recent article. The feature highlights the department’s comprehensive undergraduate curriculum revamp, which aims to cultivate the next generation of innovation-driven, problem-solving leaders equipped to face the challenges of Industry 4.0.

In the article, Dr. Tang Yuk Ming, Senior Lecturer and Supervisor at PolyU’s Integrated Product Design Laboratory, shares insights on the essential skills that modern industrial engineers need, from mastering AI and robotics to integrating IoT and big data into production processes. The article also showcases the department’s efforts to provide immersive learning experiences through cutting-edge technologies such as virtual reality (VR), CAVE systems, and the metaverse.

We are proud of the recognition PolyU’s ISE department has received and are grateful to Jump@MingPao for the opportunity to showcase the innovative strides being made in engineering education.

Thank you again to Jump@MingPao for this wonderful feature! You can read the full article here.

For more information on PolyU’s Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, visit their official website: www.polyu.edu.hk/ise.

Secondary School Mentees Explore Cutting-Edge Technologies at PolyU’s IPD Laboratory

Mr. Terrence Kwok, RIVRT researcher (Left); Mentee from high school (Middle), Mr. Hadyn Ng, RIVRT researcher (Right)
Learning and experiencing VR with medical applications
Learning and experiencing VR with science applications
Learning and experiencing VR with science applications
Learning and exploring metaverse with AI LLM
Learning and exploring metaverse with AI LLM

RIVRT recently welcomed a group of enthusiastic secondary school mentees to the Integrated Product Design (IPD) Laboratory at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) on 22 Jul, 2024. The visit provided the mentees with a unique opportunity to explore and experience the latest advancements in Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), Mixed Reality (MR), Artificial Intelligence (AI), and the Metaverse.

The visit was part of an ongoing mentorship program aimed at inspiring young students to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). The mentees, eager to learn about the practical applications of these emerging technologies, were guided through a series of interactive demonstrations and hands-on activities.

One of the key highlights of the visit was the VR setup, where mentees donned VR headsets and were transported into immersive digital environments. They engaged in various simulations, allowing them to understand how VR can be used for training, education, and product design.

The students also explored AR and MR technologies, which blend digital information with the real world, providing a rich, interactive experience. They were particularly fascinated by the potential of these technologies in fields such as architecture, engineering, and medical training.

AI and the Metaverse were also major points of interest during the visit. The mentees were introduced to AI-driven applications and discussed the growing importance of AI in automating processes, enhancing decision-making, and creating intelligent systems. They also delved into the concept of the Metaverse, learning how it represents the future of interconnected virtual worlds and the potential it holds for social interaction, commerce, and entertainment.

Throughout the visit, the mentees were encouraged to ask questions and explore their curiosities. The hands-on experience not only provided them with a deeper understanding of these technologies but also sparked their interest in pursuing further studies and careers in the tech industry.

The event was a resounding success, with the mentees expressing their excitement and appreciation for the opportunity to experience these cutting-edge technologies firsthand. The visit underscored PolyU’s commitment to nurturing the next generation of technologists and innovators by providing them with early exposure to advanced research and practical applications.

RIVRT looks forward to hosting more educational visits and continuing to inspire young minds to explore the limitless possibilities of technology.

For more information about our mentorship programs and upcoming events, please visit our website or contact us directly.

Two Days University Experience Programme – “From Physics and ICT to Engineering”

Two days University Experience Programme
Learning immersive technology through CAVE VR
Learning immersive technology through CAVE VR
Learning immersive technology through CAVE VR
Learning immersive technology through CAVE VR
Learning immersive technology through VR Head-mounted device
Learning immersive technology through VR Head-mounted device
Learning immersive technology through Metaverse
Learning immersive technology through Metaverse
Learning immersive technology through Metaverse

RIVRT is delighted to report the success of a recent visit by a group of enthusiastic secondary school students to the Faculty of Engineering at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU). The visit was part of a two-day (17-18 Jul, 2024) “University Experience Programme” titled “From Physics and ICT to Engineering,” aimed at inspiring young minds and providing them with hands-on exposure to the world of engineering.

The event saw the participation of over 100 students from various secondary schools. The visit was meticulously organized to offer the students a glimpse into the cutting-edge research and educational opportunities available at PolyU’s Faculty of Engineering. Students engaged in various interactive activities, including demonstrations of virtual reality (VR) and 3D modeling technologies, which are at the forefront of RIVRT’s research.

During the visit, students had the opportunity to explore the CAVE (Cave Automatic Virtual Environment) system, an immersive VR environment that allows users to interact with 3D simulations. This experience provided them with a deeper understanding of how VR can be used in engineering and industrial applications. The students also participated in a hands-on session where they learned the basics of 3D modeling and virtual simulations, sparking their interest in the potential of these technologies.

The faculty members, along with RIVRT researchers, guided the students through various labs and facilities, explaining the real-world applications of engineering principles. The sessions were designed to be both informative and engaging, encouraging students to ask questions and explore their interests in engineering and technology.

The visit concluded with a group photo session, capturing the excitement and enthusiasm of the students who left the campus with a newfound curiosity and inspiration to pursue careers in engineering and technology.

This event underscores PolyU’s commitment to nurturing the next generation of engineers and innovators. By providing students with early exposure to advanced technologies and research environments, RIVRT and the Faculty of Engineering aim to inspire and empower them to contribute to the future of engineering.

We look forward to welcoming more students to our campus in the future and continuing to foster a passion for engineering and technology among young learners.

For more information about our outreach programs and upcoming events, please visit our website or contact us directly.


CoP Event: CoP on Applications of Immersive Technologies for Teaching and Learning: Site Visit & Lunch Discussion

Lab visit and a talk about immersive technologies
Lab visit and a talk about immersive technologies
Immersive experience using VR
Immersive experience using VR
Immersive experience using VR
Immersive experience using MR
Immersive experience using Motion Platform
Lunch discussion with professionals

Site Visit
Facilitator: Ir. Dr. Y M Tang, ISE
Date: 16 Jul 2024
Time: 11:30 AM – 12:15 PM
Venue: IPD Laboratory, Digital Factory

Lunch Discussion
Facilitator: Ir. Dr. Y M Tang, ISE
Date: 16 Jul 2024
Time: 12:30 PM – 2:00 PM
Venue: Ju Yin House Seafood Restaurant, 4/F Communal Building, PolyU

The gathering provided an excellent platform for participants to engage in meaningful discussions on the latest trends and developments in virtual reality, artificial intelligence, and their applications in healthcare and industrial sectors. Dr. Tang shared his insights on emerging research areas, including digital twin technologies and the integration of AI in extended reality environments.

The informal setting allowed for an open exchange of ideas, fostering collaboration among attendees. Researchers, faculty members, and students from various departments participated in the discussion, contributing their perspectives on the potential impacts of these technologies on their respective fields.

The lively conversation covered a range of topics, from the challenges of implementing VR/AR solutions in healthcare to the future of AI-driven innovations in industrial applications. The discussion also touched on the ongoing projects at RIVRT, highlighting the team’s dedication to advancing research in these cutting-edge areas.

The lunch discussion concluded with a consensus on the importance of continued collaboration and knowledge sharing to drive innovation in virtual reality and artificial intelligence. The event was well-received by all attendees, who appreciated the opportunity to connect and explore new ideas in a relaxed and engaging environment.

RIVRT looks forward to organizing more such events in the future, providing platforms for intellectual exchange and collaborative research. Stay tuned for our upcoming events and discussions!

For further inquiries or to participate in future discussions, please contact Ir. Dr. Yuk Ming Tang at mfymtang@polyu.edu.hk.

Lab Visit for Wuhan University of Technology

The Digital Factory Laboratory hosted a visit from students of Wuhan University of Technology on 11th July, 2024. This visit was organized to provide hands-on experience and insight into the various aspects of integrated product design, latest technologies in VR/AR, and AI.

The visit featured a range of engaging presentations and interactive sessions designed to showcase the latest advances in virtual reality technology and explore the potential applications of the Metaverse in various fields.

PolyU Students Apply Engineering Skills to Serve the Needy

The Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) continues to offer its innovative service learning subject, “Engineering for the Needy” (ISE3S01), bridging classroom learning with real-world community service.

Led by a team of dedicated faculty members including Prof. CY Tang, Dr. Kris Law, Dr. Gary Tsui, Dr. Dennis Lo, and Ir. Dr. YM Tang, this subject provides a unique opportunity for engineering students to apply their skills and knowledge to benefit underprivileged communities.

Service Learning Project Enhances STEM Education in Local Secondary School

From July 9-11, 2024, students from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) successfully conducted a service learning project at a local secondary school, St. Joan of Arc Secondary School, as part of the course “Comprehending and Overcoming Learning Hurdles in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) for Local Schools” (ISE2S02).

This initiative, led by Ir. Dr. YM Tang and his colleagues from the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, aims to promote scientific thinking, literacy, and problem-solving skills among underprivileged secondary school students. The project is part of PolyU’s commitment to nurturing socially responsible graduates while addressing educational needs in the community.

Key Highlights of the Service Learning Project:

  1. PolyU students worked in groups to design and implement STEM-related activities for secondary school students.
  2. Activities included interactive demonstrations of STEM concepts, specially designed worksheets, and hands-on experiments.
  3. The project helped cultivate scientific literacy and thinking among participating secondary school students.
  4. PolyU students gained valuable experience in applying their knowledge to real-world educational challenges.

The service learning subject (ISE2S02) is open to all students from the Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Construction and Environment, and Faculty of Applied Science and Textiles. It provides a unique opportunity for university students to contribute to the community while developing their own skills in communication, problem-solving, and project management.

For more information about this service learning subject and future initiatives, please contact Dr. YM Tang at yukming.tang@polyu.edu.hk

iise hk

IISE HK AGM & Award Ceremony 2024

iise hk
IISE(HK) Members and Groups of ISE Management Innovation Project Competition 2024 Winners
Champion Winner
1st Runner Up Winner
2nd Runner Up Winner
Merit Award Winner
Ir. Dr. YM Tang hosting the AGM and Award Presentation Ceremony
The event has been held successfully at PolyU

We are delighted to announce the successful conclusion of the Annual General Meeting of the Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers Hong Kong, along with the Industrial and Systems Engineering Management Innovation Project Competition 2024 Award Ceremony. Both events were held on July 10, 2024, marking a significant day for our community.

The competition results are as follows:

Champion: Project title: Business Process Design Using Robotic Process Automation
Team members: YUEN Pui Chi, LAM Chun Kit, CHAN Lok Iu Anthea, HO Cheuk Wing, HO Pun Yi Charlotte
Supervisor: Dr. Valerie TANG

1st Runner Up: Project title: Integrating Virtual Reality and Artificial Intelligence in STEM Education
Team members: Lee Ka Yi
Supervisor: Dr. Yuk Ming TANG

2nd Runner Up: Project title: A Study of the Platform-based Operations Strategy for Freight Forwarders in the Air Freight Industry
Team members: CHEUNG Yat Wai
Supervisor: Dr. Paul TSANG

Merit: Project title: A Blockchain-based Certification Website for Trustless Verifiable Academic Credentials
Team members: YIP Wing Chung
Supervisor: Mr. Elvan YAU

We would like to extend our heartfelt congratulations to all the winners and participants. Your innovative projects demonstrate the bright future of industrial and systems engineering.

Special thanks to our esteemed judges and the organizing committee for their dedication in making this event a great success. We look forward to seeing more groundbreaking ideas in the future!

IPD Lab Visit for Tuen Mun Catholic Secondary School

The Integrated Product Design (IPD) Laboratory hosted a visit from students of Tuen Mun Catholic Secondary School. This visit was organized to provide hands-on experience and insight into the various aspects of integrated product design.

Highlights of the Visit:

The students and teachers expressed great enthusiasm and appreciation for the opportunity to visit the IPD Lab. The hands-on experience and exposure to cutting-edge technology were particularly well-received.

Malaysia x Hong Kong Cultural Exchange Programme 2024 has been held successfully

Participants of the Malaysia-Hong Kong Cultural Exchange Programme 2024 at AiDLab.
Participants of the Malaysia-Hong Kong Cultural Exchange Programme 2024 at AiDLab.

The Malaysia-Hong Kong Cultural Exchange Programme 2024 marked a significant milestone in fostering cross-cultural understanding and collaboration between Malaysia and Hong Kong. The event was highlighted by a successful visit to the Laboratory for Artificial Intelligence in Design (AiDLab) located in the Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks (HKSTP) on June 20th, 2024.

A delegation of enthusiastic participants from both nations, including representatives from 香港恒生大學 (Hang Seng University of Hong Kong)南方大學學院 (Southern University College)新紀元大學學院 (New Era University College), and 韓江傳媒大學學院 (Han Chiang University College of Communication), gathered at AiDLab, showcasing a vibrant mix of cultural backgrounds and academic interests. The event was organized to facilitate mutual learning, cultural exchange, and to explore advancements in artificial intelligence and data science.

Participants of the Malaysia-Hong Kong Cultural Exchange Programme 2024 at AiDLab.

Participants had the opportunity to engage with leading researchers and professionals, gaining firsthand knowledge of the latest developments in the field. The lab tour included demonstrations of AI applications and discussions on future trends and potential collaborations. AiDLab conducts research in three thematic programmes: Ergonomic and Inclusive Design, Innovation in Product and Service Design, and Intelligent Fashion Design and Quality Control.

With the successful conclusion of the Malaysia-Hong Kong Cultural Exchange Programme 2024, both regions look forward to continuing this fruitful collaboration. The programme has undoubtedly laid a strong foundation for future exchanges, fostering a spirit of unity and shared progress in the realms of culture, education, and technology.