Ir. Dr. Tang’s Interview Now Featured on EDC’s Good Practice Showcase!

EDC Good Practice Showcase

We are delighted to announce that Dr. Yuk Ming Tang’s interview video is now accessible on the Educational Development Centre (EDC) website as part of the Good Practice Showcase! This platform highlights outstanding teaching practices at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU), featuring contributions from award-winning educators and innovative researchers.

To further promote this insightful interview, EDC will be sending a mass email to all staff and broadcasting a promotional video on campus TV. These efforts aim to share Dr. Tang’s expertise and contributions to virtual reality, artificial intelligence, and digital twin technologies with the wider academic community.

We encourage everyone to watch and share the video, which can be accessed via the following link:
🔗 Dr. Tang’s Interview on PolyU Video Platform

We extend our heartfelt thanks to Dr. Tang for his dedication and passion for education, which continue to inspire both students and fellow researchers. Stay tuned for more exciting updates from Research in Intelligence and Virtual Reality Technology (RIVRT)!